Corujas NFT Concept


[x] idea [x] concept [x] backtest [x] forward test [x] NFT alpha launch [x] 1st dividend payment [x] NFT official launch [x] Project running! 1- Buy the Corujas NFT

2- I send the Funds to Bybit‌

3- Bybit trades inversed BTCUSD -> Using my Spread Scalper Algorithm‌

4-Every 15th day of the month, dividends are distributed in USDt to the eth that holds the token. a- 50% of performance is reinvested b- 25% of performance is paid to NFT holder c- 20% of performance is collected as fee (my payment) d- 5% of performance is bought in OvOa‌

5- One can buy and resell the NFT at any given time. You profit: reseling NFT or holding and getting dividends I profit: with 20% of the token performance forward testing snapshot:‌

Audit: equite link for the algo

Last updated