
How to buy the OvOa token and get exposure to the bot

-> Download metamask wallet

Remember to save your seed words as a backup!

-> Your metamask wallet gonna have an ETH address (0x...). Send some ETH there...

-> Trade ETH for OvOa on Uniswap: If you are new to Uniswap, check this tutorial: If you know how to use, can go directly to the exchange app:

Then, its just a matter of holding the token on your metamask wallet OR...

->re-add into liquidity pool to get extra fee rebate (0.3% slice) from subsequent OvOa-wETH trades: to add liquidity you gonna need the two sides of the pair (eth AND ovoa)

Did you know? You can swap any token on ethereum blockchain to OvOa and vice-versa

Last updated